Exclusive GPS Cart Advertising Program

Affordable, Direct, and Efficient! Call or email our Director of Marketing, Devin Frey, at devinf@coltsneckgolfclub.com or call 732-303-9330 ext 133 for more details!

As a semi-private golf club, we host a wide range of golfers throughout the New Jersey and NY Metropolitan area. Our 70 cart fleet is fully equipped with Pace GPS technology and carries more than 35,000 golfers a season. We offer you the opportunity to get in front of fellow players and showcase your company by advertising on our GPS System! We proudly offer a competitive and affordable advertising program that will promote your business and strengthen brand awareness.

  • Full Screen Billboard Ad that runs twice in an 18 hole round and once during a 9 hole round, guaranteeing views by all riding players.
  • Side Panel Ad will play while cart is in motion.
  • Each Ad plays the entire duration any cart is at the designated hole.
  • Advertising hole will rotate every 2 weeks to maximize exposure.
  • $1,200 annually ($100/month) or $150 on a month to month basis for Members.
  • $1,500 annually ($125/month) or $175 on a month to month basis for Non-Members.

Side Panel Advertisement Sample

Full Page Advertisement Sample